Club History
Torrey Pines Ski Club was originally founded by the students of La Jolla High School in the early 1960's. A program from the 1962 San Diego Council (of Ski Clubs) annual gala, then called the Sno Ball, shows that the Club President was Jack Marland, the Vice-President was Les Stypinski, the Secretary was Hank Anthony, the Treasurer was MaryJane Gerber, the Publicity Chair was Helen Chandler, and John Fatio was the Race Chairman. It also tells us that Club meetings were held at the Torrey Pines Inn in the Lantern Room and that Club dues were $5.00.
That 1962 Sno Ball was held at the El Cortez Hotel in the Cotillion Room. The attendees danced to the sounds of the Paul Ravino Orchestra and crowned the queen from a court of five candidates representing Astro Ski Club, Convair Ski Club, Don Diego Ski Club, San Diego Ski Club, and Torrey Pines. Our candidate, Martha Erwine, lost to Astro's candidate, Virginia Mateja (who is now Virginia Cobb) of Don Diego Ski Club. This "beauty" contest was the predecessor to the current Man & Woman of the Year contest.
As Torrey Pines club members graduated high school and interest in skiing at La Jolla High dropped, club ski trips were opened to non-students. Theses trips were run by Mary Breslauer who commissioned a San Diego city bus for trips to Mammoth. Long-time TPSC member Arnie Andersen recalls never having skied before but having a desire to learn. He rented skis from Frederick's Ski Shop in La Jolla and went on one of those original Torrey Pines Mammoth trips. Arnie remembers that half the people on the bus were not La Jolla High students. Eventually, Torrey Pines Ski Club chartered buses and ran their own trips. The club's first By-Laws were based on that of the San Diego Ski Club with generous help from Joe Harris.
Torrey Pines became a very popular club and held social events and other sports activities in addition to ski trips. Some remember the club gathering for spaghetti dinners at the La Jolla Congregational Church. Arnie remembers leading ski trips to Winter Park, Park City, and Breckenridge as well as trips to go tubing in Arizona and hiking in Yosemite.
Membership grew rapidly and within a few years it totaled 2,200 members. Records of current Membership Director, Barbara Shramek, show that the membership in 1983 was at 1692! Ski Club membership has fallen throughout the United States and Torrey Pines is no exception. Even so, Torrey Pines remains a vibrant club. Through the years our many and varied activities have included biking, camping, kayaking, tennis, volleyball, bocce ball, boogie boarding, walking, concert and play-going events, dining out, and, of course, parties. Several Past Presidents are still active in the club and lead many events. Torrey Pines is proud of its history in San Diego.
This report is an accumulation of recollections from several people as well as items from various sources. I welcome any remarks or additions.